Tell-Tale Signs It Is Time to Replace Your Home Heating System
The seasons are changing! As warm days are quickly turning into chilly nights, homeowners in Delaware County and Eastern Chester County, PA and Northern New Castle County, DE are preparing for the unpredictable weather. During those chillier months your home heating system is not just responsible for keeping you comfortable and warm, but also for its performance to keep your heating expenses to a minimum. But how can you tell it is officially time to retire your existing system for a newer high-efficiency heating system model? More often than not, your heating equipment will tell you.
Contact Ferro Fuel Oil or your HVAC specialist if you notice any of these signs—it may be time to replace your home heating system.

Follow These Signs Below to Know If It Is Time to Replace Your Heating System:
1. Increased Heating Repair Frequency
Like any piece of machinery, your heating equipment will suffer from more breakdowns as the years go by. Instead of spending your money on recurring heating repair visits, you will save way more money by just investing in an entirely new home heating system.
2. Dusty or Dry Air
Assess your home’s indoor air quality. Excessive amounts of dust in the air or drastic changes in air humidity is one major sign that it is time for a new home heating system. Do you ever feel as though the air in your home is dry, making it hard to breathe? Then it is time to schedule a maintenance check your furnace or purchase an entirely new one.
3. High Energy Bills
Over time, your heating system will begin to age causing its efficiency to decline. You may notice that your energy bills are rapidly increasing without any possible reason, which is a clear sign of decreased fuel economy. Newer high-efficiency heating system models can reach efficiency ratings of up to 95, which means significantly reduced heating expenses.
4. Strange Noises or Smells
If you begin to hear an out of the ordinary humming, clunking, or banging coming from your home heating system it could be time for a replacement. An abnormal odor or smell coming from your home heating system can also be a signal.
5. Uneven Heating
Do you ever feel as though some rooms of your home are uncomfortably warm compared to other parts? Sometimes your thermostat will read a normal temperature but many parts of your home will not even feel close to the read temperature. This is a clear indication that your home is in need of a new boiler or furnace.
If your current boiler or furnace exhibits any of all of these tell-tale signs, contact Ferro Fuel Oil today to get a FREE estimate on a new high-efficiency heating system!